Food Lion is rolling out incredible savings from 12/18 to 12/24 with their latest promotional deals, offering a variety of discounts on high-demand grocery items. Whether you're planning a feast or stocking up on favorites, don’t miss out on these amazing offers.
Activate your offers with Food Lion's MVP Shop & Earn Monthly Rewards. Not only can you save on your groceries, but you can also choose to donate your rewards to help others in need.
The biggest shopping day of the year, Black Friday, falls on November 29th. Mark your calendars for extraordinary deals and savings you won't want to miss.
Act fast to grab these limited-time savings at Food Lion and enjoy a festive season filled with delicious meals and unbeatable prices. Find the latest deals on Food Lion's weekly ads on My Deals 365.
There are currently 3 weekly ads for Food Lion. Access their latest deals and discounts!
Food Lion Weekly adsCopyright © 2024 . All rights reserved. It is forbidden to copy or reproduce the texts without prior written agreement. Product photos, images and brochures are for illustrative purposes only. Discounted prices come from official distributors listed on this site. Offers are valid from and until the expiration date or while supplies last. The purpose of this site is informative and cannot be used to claim the products. Prices may vary depending on the location.