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LUCKY SUPERMARKETS ads, weekly flyers & deals

Lucky Supermarkets is an American supermarket chain based in San Leandro, California. Lucky Supermarkets belongs to The Save Mart Companies group. Lucky Supermarkets operates more than 60 stores in Northern and Central California. The chain shares the same group with other brands such as FoodMaxx and Save Mart.

Frequently asked questions about LUCKY SUPERMARKETS

How to save money at Lucky Supermarkets

Lucky is a discount supermarket chain, so saving money is very simple by taking advantage of regular offers on all its products. Customers can check out Lucky's weekly brochures where they will find a wide selection of products at discount prices.

How can I access the best deals at Lucky Supermarkets?

My Deals 365 brings you all the Lucky Supermarket deals and promotions so you can save more and buy more. Lucky Supermarkets is the grocery store with the largest assortment of products at the best prices. Check out My Deals 365 for what's new at Lucky.

The brochures and catalogs contain the best weekly, monthly and yearly promotions, with offers and discounts available today in stores. To check the updated prices you can also browse the official website online:https: //www.luckysupermarkets.com/

When was Lucky Supermarkets created?

The history of Lucky Supermarkets began in 1931 with the acquisition of Piggly Wiggly by Charles Crouch. In its origins, the company was known as Peninsula Stores Limited. In 1947, Lucky opened its flagship store in San Leandro, California, as a coffee shop with a salon selling a variety of products.

In the following years more stores were opened and in 1985 Lucky decided to sell its outlets to Associated Grocers. Lucky returned to the retail scene in 1988 with the acquisition of Lucky Stores by American Stores Company, then it was taken over by the Save Mart group and its stores changed its name again.

Finally, in 2015 Lucky reopened as Lucky California and since then has operated several stores mainly in the Central and Northern California area.

What brands can I find at Lucky Supermarkets?

At Lucky Stores, customers can find products from well-known brands such as Driscoll's, Sunnyside Farms, Angel Soft, Prego, Cheetos, Fritos, La Marca, Minute Maid, Oikos, Skippy, Head & Shoulders, Dave's, Tony's, Bud Light, Hillshire Farm, Lagunitas, Sierra Nevada, New Belgium, Lay's, Harris Ranch, Peet's, among others.

Does Lucky Supermarkets have deals on Black Friday?

Don't miss out on the biggest shopping event of the year! Lucky Supermarkets is joining the Black Friday frenzy with unbelievable discounts on top brands of beverages, frozen foods, fruits and vegetables, bakery, cleaning products, and more.

Get ready for Black Friday on November 29th! Enjoy discounts in supermarkets of up to 50%, including fresh fruits, groceries, snacks, vegetables, meat, bread, cheese, dairy, non-alcoholic drinks, frozen yogurt, and all the products from the best brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, Country Crock, Maruchan, Red Baron, Nespresso, Coffee-Mate, DiGiorno, Old El Paso, Yoplait, Sargento, Nature Valley, Ben & Jerry's and more.

Black Friday deals typically start on Friday, but many stores extend them throughout the weekend, ¡and some during the entire month! At Lucky Supermarkets, you'll find incredible savings on domestic and imported products during this season.

Want to know what's on sale before anyone else? Visit My Deals 365 to browse Lucky Supermarkets's exclusive Black Friday brochures and catalogs and find the most outstanding savings, with promotions and discounts to make your budget work to the maximum.

Beyond our exclusive catalogs, My Deals 365' blog is your go-to resource for Black Friday shopping. From tips on finding the best deals to avoiding common scams, we've got you covered.

As every Black Friday, visit My Deals 365 to get a head start on your shopping and discover the hottest offers from supermarkets in United States.

Who are Lucky Supermarkets's main competitors across the country?

For unbeatable deals at supermarkets like those at Lucky Supermarkets, check out the weekly ads from other stores such as Ralphs Grocery Co, Safeway weekly ad, Costco weekly ad, ShopRite

How to get exclusive benefits at Lucky Supermarkets

Lucky Supermarket offers its customers many advantages from the possibility to make a shopping list on its website, so as to be better organized. They also offer a program in which points are earned for each purchase and can be redeemed on future orders.

On the other hand, at Lucky Supermarkets, customers have the possibility to make their purchase at the online store and choose to have it delivered to their home or pick it up at the closest store.

LUCKY SUPERMARKETS latest discounts!

Get the best deals to save big at LUCKY SUPERMARKETS

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