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Staples Inc. is an American office retail company. They operate in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, where they have over 1,000 stores and 70,000 employees.

Frequently asked questions about STAPLES

How to save money at Staples

In their Deals section you can find their Weekly Ad, the Coupon Corner with special discounts, items on clearance sales, refurbished technology, unique 1-hour long lowered prices on selected products and deals on furniture, office supplies, cleaning products and electronics.

How can I access the best deals at Staples?

My Deals 365 brings you the best Staples discounts and booklets. Save in your next purchase of office furniture and sticky notes with My Deals 365. Find out about the latest deals on calendars and hard drives in your nearest Staples. Keep up to date with all the limited time offers in Staples with My Deals 365.

The brochures and catalogs contain the best weekly, monthly and yearly promotions, with offers and discounts available today in stores. To check the updated prices you can also browse the official website online: https://www.staples.com/

When was Staples created?

In 1986 Leo Kahn and Tom Stemberg opened the first Staples store in Boston. The idea for a supermarket for office supplies came to Stemberg a year before when his typewriter ribbon broke on a Fourth of July weekend and a replacement proved nearly impossible to find in the small stores open on that day. In 1991 the company expanded to Canada under the name The Business Depot, though later they would all be renamed as Staples.

In 1996 Staples became a member of the Fortune 500 companies.

Staples continued to expand globally, opening stores in Austria and Denmark in 2004 and India in 2007.

What brands can I find at Staples?

At Staples you can find many well recognized brands, like 3M, HP, BIC, Xerox, Vera Bradley, Purell, Poppin, NXT Technologies, Newell, Logitech, TruRed, TOPS, Perk, Union & Scale, Martha Stewart, Apple, Kimberly Clark, Brother and Avery.

Does Staples have deals on Black Friday?

Don't miss out on the biggest shopping event of the year! Staples is joining the Black Friday frenzy with unbelievable discounts on a wide range of products. Ready to become a savings expert?

There's no need to spend hours searching the internet for the best Black Friday deals and time-limited exclusive sales. On My Deals 365, we gather the catalogs and brochures of all the stores offering discounts on Black Friday and other promotional seasons. Discover Staples's latest brochures with all available offers, from groceries and home appliances to sporting goods, apparel and furniture.

Mark your calendar for November 29th, because Staples is rolling out incredible Black Friday discounts of up to 50% on all the products you need and more.

Although Black Friday deals typically start on Friday, many stores extend them throughout the weekend, and some even all month long. Stay tunned! And, if you want to know what's on sale before anyone else, just explore My Deals 365 to browse Staples's exclusive Black Friday brochures and catalogs.

Besides our up to date catalogs, we help you unlock the best tips to find unbeatable deals and avoid common scams, so you can make the most of current promotions in the most safe and transparent way possible. My Deals 365's blog is your go-to resource for all your Black Friday purchases.

As every Black Friday, get ready to buy everything you need without overspending. My Deals 365 is the smartest way to save in United States's top stores and make your budget work to the maximum!

Who are Staples's main competitors across the country?

If you're on the hunt for amazing deals similar to those at Staples check out the Office DEPOT weekly ad

How to get exclusive benefits at Staples

Join the Staples Rewards program to unlock exclusive deals and benefits. Get free next-day delivery, money back on recycled ink cartridges, bonus sales events, free product samples and up to 5% back in rewards on purchases.

STAPLES latest discounts!

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